Fatal error in joomla component

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i just installed a new component in my site but when i click on component settings button in the backend i am getting this message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function loadByOption() on a non-object in /mysite.com/administrator/components/com_sigpro/models/settings.php on line 32

the file contains this code:

defined('_JEXEC') or die ;

class SigProModelSettings extends SigProModel


    protected $extensionID = null;

    public function getForm()


        $option = $this->getState('option');

        if (version_compare(JVERSION, '2.5.0', 'ge'))


            $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent($option);

            $this->extensionID = $component->id;


            $form = JForm::getInstance($option.'.settings', 'config',     array('control' => 'jform'), false, '/config');





            $component = JTable::getInstance('component');


            $this->extensionID = $component->id;

            $form = new JParameter($component->params, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.$option.DS.'config.xml');

        return $form;


PS my site is running Joomla 1.7.5 stable version and i cant upgrade it to 2.5 because the site is online and productive some components dont works on version 2.5 . So i will appreciate it if someone can help me fix this error.

Thanks in advance


There are 2 answers

maryam On

you 1.6 needs 1.6 specific modules, components & plugins. You'll need to find a 1.6 compatible version or alternative or check the permissions on /configuration.php

Abhiram mishra On

Looks like the table class is not present in your file system. It should have been there in the /mysite.com/administrator/components/com_sigpro/tables folder , somewhere ( may vary depending on the code, but looks like they have not included a custom path ). The class should extends JTable class.