FATA[0168] [network] Can't access KubeAPI port [6443] on Control Plane host

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I am trying to setup an RKE cluster with a config file. I have 4 virtual machines docker, docker.io are installed. Ufw is disabled, have done everything as here .

I connect via SSH, can connect succesfully with root and home user which I added to docker group.

I clean all the machines, stopping dockers, remove volumes and images and remove files created under /etc, /var etc. I keep getting same error. As I said above, ufw is disabled and inactive and netstat gives me this when installing.

In docker ps I get

c8c00552f6bb rancher/rke-tools:v0.1.78 "/docker-entrypoint.…"
About a minute ago Up About a minute 80/tcp,>1337/tcp rke-cp-port-listener


tcp 0 0*
LISTEN 7171/docker-proxy

I did this and nothing changed. I clean machines everytime I try another solution and it costs time. Any help is great now. Thanks.


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