fallbackTag doesn't work and code throws NoPactsFoundException

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I am using 4.1.11 version of junit5 provider.


As per the documentation, I am specifying both tag and fallbackTag in my provider test class.

consumerVersionSelectors = {
                @VersionSelector(tag = "branch123", fallbackTag = "master")

Now its supposed to use master tag contract if branch123 tag contract doesn't exist. However it doesn't work me and throws following error:

au.com.dius.pact.provider.junitsupport.loader.NoPactsFoundException: No Pact files were found to verify

I can confirm that master tag does exist from pact broker as well as using that in tag field and running the test successfully.

Is this a bug in library? Or am I missing anything?

Looking at code of VersionSelector, it seems that does have fallbackTag() method, however when I go into PactBroker, consumerVersionSelectors() method doesn't seem to have any reference of fallbackTag:





There are 1 answers

Matthew Fellows On

It looks and sounds like a bug - could you please raise it on the Pact JVM issues register?