Failed to serialize SSO request dictionary for interactive token request

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I am trying to use MSAL with iOS 12 OBJ-C. I configure a MSALAADAuthority (<< id here >>) and MSALPublicClientApplicationConfig with that Authority and a client id + redirectURI to the deep link for the app. I then create the MSALInteractiveTokenParameters with the scope I need. However, when it attempts acquireTokenWithParameters I get the following error.

Error Domain=MSALErrorDomain Code=-50000 "(null)" UserInfo={MSALErrorDescriptionKey=Failed to serialize SSO request dictionary for interactive token request, MSALInternalErrorCodeKey=-42008, MSALCorrelationIDKey=...}

pod has installed 1.2.5, not sure why it's not using 1.2.18 but that's another story.

Any thoughts about why I'm getting this error? NB I downloaded the Swift sample and it works fine with the same endpoint settings.


There are 1 answers

pkr2000 On

I'd missed the step about adding the shared keychain capability.