I have two functions of theme, darkThemeData, and lightThemeData. However, when the App is run, the theme works fine with Poppins as the default font but when I click the button to switch to Dark mode I get this error and the fontFamily is lost. I tried different solutions but I am stuck.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final ThemeData lightThemeData = ThemeData(
textTheme: GoogleFonts.poppinsTextTheme(
bodyMedium: GoogleFonts.poppins(),
displaySmall: GoogleFonts.poppins(),
final ThemeData darkThemeData = ThemeData(
textTheme: GoogleFonts.poppinsTextTheme(
bodyMedium: GoogleFonts.poppins(),
displaySmall: GoogleFonts.poppins(),
return GetMaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: darkmode == false ? darkThemeData : lightThemeData,
home: navbar(),
Try this implementation
Don't need to explicitly set the font for each text style since we use the GoogleFonts.poppinsTextTheme() font "Poppins" for the entire text theme.