Failed to crunch file - Android studio (app:mergeDebugResources)

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i am currentyl trying to implement Google ActivityRecognitionApi. However i get following errors:

Error:Failed to crunch file C:\Users\marschall\Desktop\googlesamples-android-play-location-2ed2964\ActivityProject\app\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\\play-services-cast-framework\10.0.1\res\drawable-xxhdpi-v4\quantum_ic_forward_30_grey600_36.png into C:\Users\marschall\Desktop\googlesamples-android-play-location-2ed2964\ActivityProject\app\build\intermediates\res\merged\debug\drawable-xxhdpi-v4\quantum_ic_forward_30_grey600_36.png

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. Error: Failed to crunch file C:\Users\marschall\Desktop\googlesamples-android-play-location-2ed2964\ActivityProject\app\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\\play-services-cast-framework\10.0.1\res\drawable-xxhdpi-v4\quantum_ic_forward_30_grey600_36.png into C:\Users\marschall\Desktop\googlesamples-android-play-location-2ed2964\ActivityProject\app\build\intermediates\res\merged\debug\drawable-xxhdpi-v4\quantum_ic_forward_30_grey600_36.png

I am very new to Android developement and really dont know what to do.

I appreciate any comments.

Thanks in advance

EDIT: My mistake! Forgot to copy some files...


There are 10 answers

mavHarsha On

Failed to crunch file means studio can't process the file. Its too long and it has reached the max file path line of the operating system.

-> Crude way to solve it is move the project to some folder in "C:\".

-> Better way is to change the build directory of the project in the build.gradle file (Project)

allprojects {
    buildDir = "C:/tmp/${}/${}"
Martin Sing On

Had the same problem. Move your project into a higher directory (like C:).

Android Studio 2.2 Google play services sync Error

Prasad Nageshkar On

The length of the path\file name (the count of all characters in the name)has crossed the maximum limit. This is happening because a combination of length of file name and the multiple nested folder levels.

Sean C. On

It's because the path length has exceeded the maximum value. You do not have to move your project elsewhere. Just open a shell in the root directory of your hard drive and make a junction to your project:


cd \ mklink /j project D:\a\very\long\path\to\your\project cd project You can now make the building process without a pain

rajeesh On

this is because your project path is too long. Please make this as short as possible. It will resolve this error.





D.Y Won On

I am using Windows 10 Korean version. I could solve this issue moving my project folder to the path which includes only English letters. If there are someone who are using non-English version of Windows OS and having same issue this might be helpful.

Abhilash Reddy On

This is happening because file name and path is too long

1) rename the folder to a shorter name

2) move the project to the folder to a simple path like

c:/android projects/Project Sample

jajhonrod On

In my case with Windows 7 (have to work with that :-|), moving to a higher directory in whatever the drive is located, or reduce the directory name length did the trick.

Ankit Shukla On

I am using android studio with react-native. I faced the same error regarding 'failed to crunch file'. I just updated my project's gradle from 2.3 to

dependencies {
    classpath ''

and all started working again.

krishnamurthy On

which means that the path is too long to reach that particular file. make sure that your project is placed under the parent directory(do not go greater than 4 levels ).



instead use :

C:/your project directory/your project file

the best practice is keep the project as easily available to the compiler.