Failed to add external hard disk with FreeBSD 10.1

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I am trying to add a 4 TB external hard disk to my Freebsd server connected to a USB3 port and i am facing the following problem.

I am able to format this disk using :

sudo gpart create -s GPT da1
sudo gpart add -t freebsd-ufs da1
sudo newfs -U /dev/da1p1
sudo mkdir /backup
sudo chmod 775 /backup

Then, I test it with a manual mount :

sudo mount /dev/da1p1 /backup

This works as I am able to create a file (touch /backup/foo)

Then, I unmount it and add a new line in /etc/fstab

/dev/da1p1      /backup         ufs    rw      0       3

Which I test with :

sudo mount -a

and it works as well.

The problem is when I reboot the machine, there is a systematic error during boot with following error :

FreeBSD EFI Boot Block
Loader path : /boot/loader.efi

I have then to delete the line I have added in /etc/fstab in order for it to start.

If I understand correctly, the 'mount -a' command is using the content of /etc/fstab which indicates the file content is ok (no hidden characters or wrong syntax). So, why doesn't it work during boot ?

Thanks for your help


There are 1 answers

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It seems to be a bug: EFI loader picks up the first available UFS filesystem and tries to load loader.efi from there. In your case , seemingly, it picks up your backup drive. You might find comments on this problem report useful: