Fail to download from OSS

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So i was following this tutorial to get used to the Revit Design Automation API but i am stuck now at task 7 because whenever i create a work item it starts but if i check the status using the activity id i get the following error:

[11/21/2023 09:28:27] Start downloading input: verb - 'GET', url - 'urn:adsk.objects:os.object:blubibla/deleteWalls'
[11/21/2023 09:28:27] Error: Failed to prepare app package(s). End of Central Directory record could not be found.
[11/21/2023 09:28:28] Error: Unable to download file from urn:adsk.objects:os.object:blubibla/deleteWalls: Fail to download from OSS: BucketName-'blubibla', ObjectKey-'deleteWalls', Error-'The operation was canceled.'.
[11/21/2023 09:28:28] Error: Fail to download from OSS: BucketName-'blubibla', ObjectKey-'deleteWalls', Error-'The operation was canceled.'
[11/21/2023 09:28:28] Error: An unexpected error happened during phase Downloading of job.

you can find the full log file here , thank you in advance.


There are 1 answers

Albert Szilvasy On

The key error is this:

[11/21/2023 09:28:27] Error: Failed to prepare app package(s). End of Central Directory record could not be found.

It looks like your appbundle is bad (corrupt zip file). When we detect this error, we cancel all other downloads hence the OSS "operation was canceled" error.