Fail a grunt build when debug prints exist in source

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I am working on a PHP/Javascript project where I've nicely set up a build workflow. It involves testing, minifying, compressing into the final zip deliverable, and a whole lot of other nice stuff.

I want to build a task that fails when there are certain patterns in the source code. I would like to look for any print_r(), error_log(), var_dump(), etc functions, and halt the build process if there are any. Perhaps later I would like to check for things in Javascript or CSS so this is not only a PHP question.

I know it can be done with grunt-shell and grep but I'd like to know the following:

  1. Are there any grunt plugins specific to this task? Ideally I would like to be able to specify a list of regexes per file type, and to set whether to continue or fail the build on pattern match.
  2. How do others tackle the problem of double-checking the packaged source for the most common debug statements or other patterns?

There are 1 answers

alexg On

Not a complete answer to my question, but I've recently come across this grunt plugin which is somewhat related. It removes console.log statements from JavaScript. Haven't tried it yet. Looks good. I still would like to know if there's something similar for PHP though.

Edit: Seeing as there's only tumbleweeds rolling in the wind here, I'm posting my workaround that's based on grunt-shell. However this is not what I was looking for. It's not perfect because it doesn't do proper syntax parsing:

    shell: {
        check_debug_prints: {
            command: '(! (egrep -r "var_dump|print_r|error_log" --include=*.php src || egrep -r "console\.\w+|debugger;" --include=*.js src) ) || (echo "Debug prints in source - build aborted" && false )'


grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-shell' );

Edit 2: I finally found the exact grunt plugin I was looking for. It is grunt-search. There is a failOnMatch boolean option that lets you indicate if a particular regex pattern should cause the build to fail when found.