Since factoring a quadratic equation in my head just happens, and has done that since I learned it - how would I go about starting to write a quadratic factorer in Python?
Factor a quadratic polynomial in Python
10k views Asked by tekknolagi At
There are 3 answers

I tried implementing hugomg's approach. I stole the "gcd" and "simplify fraction" function from online. Here is my sloppy approach:
from math import sqrt
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def simplify_fraction(numer, denom):
if denom == 0:
return "Division by 0 - result undefined"
# Remove greatest common divisor:
common_divisor = gcd(numer, denom)
(reduced_num, reduced_den) = (numer / common_divisor, denom / common_divisor)
# Note that reduced_den > 0 as documented in the gcd function.
if common_divisor == 1:
return (numer, denom)
# Bunch of nonsense to make sure denominator is negative if possible
if (reduced_den > denom):
if (reduced_den * reduced_num < 0):
return(-reduced_num, -reduced_den)
return (reduced_num, reduced_den)
return (reduced_num, reduced_den)
def quadratic_function(a,b,c):
if (b**2-4*a*c >= 0):
x1 = (-b+sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
x2 = (-b-sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
# Added a "-" to these next 2 values because they would be moved to the other side of the equation
mult1 = -x1 * a
mult2 = -x2 * a
(num1,den1) = simplify_fraction(a,mult1)
(num2,den2) = simplify_fraction(a,mult2)
if ((num1 > a) or (num2 > a)):
# simplify fraction will make too large of num and denom to try to make a sqrt work
print("No factorization")
# Getting ready to make the print look nice
if (den1 > 0):
sign1 = "+"
sign1 = ""
if (den2 > 0):
sign2 = "+"
sign2 = ""
# if the part under the sqrt is negative, you have a solution with i
print("Solutions are imaginary")
# This function takes in a, b, and c from the equation:
# ax^2 + bx + c
# and prints out the factorization if there is one
If I run this I get the output:
Improving Keiths's answer:
Start with a polynomial
P(x) = a*x^2 + b*x + c
. Use the quadratic formula (or another method of your choice) to find the rootsr1
toP(x) = 0
.You can now factor P(x) as
.If your factor (3x - 4)(x - 9) the solution will be 3*(x - 4/3)(x - 9). You might want to find a way to multiply the 3 into the factors to get rid of fractions / look pretty. In this case, it might help to use fraction arithmetic instead of doubles so you can know the denominators better.