I have declared a class which has the following member variable:
GraphObject myFeed;
Within that class, I am working with the OnCreate(Bundle) method:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
I have the following snippet of code inside this method, to pull from the news feed (the session has already been set up properly):
Request request = new Request(session,
new Request.Callback(){
public void onCompleted(Response response) {
// issue is here - myFeed is not actually updated to store the
// GraphObject returned by response.getGraphObject...
myFeed = response.getGraphObject();
I'm wondering how I could modify my code to store this GraphObject somehow in my class so that I can access it at some later point (and not just within the scope of the onCompleted method)?
I tried saving it to a member variable (myFeed) inside my class, but since I am performing the assignment inside a parameter that I am setting up, the changes are not propagated through to the member variable.
Thanks in advance!
Did the IDE asked you to transform myFeed into a Final member?
Why don't you create a method to call with GraphObejct as argument and inside this method do you assign the value to a class member?