I'm using facebook "i like" on my site. facebook uses the title tag of the page as what the person likes. is there a way to add a different title instead of defaulting to the title tag of the page?
facebook "i like" question
128 views Asked by mwimwi76 At
There are 3 answers

Not that I know of, but you can point it to a different URL using the href
attribute. Your website could return your modified page title at that URL.
Source: API docs

like alessandro says. Its possible using the href atribute
<fb:like layout="button_count" class="like_button" href="your url stuf here"></fb:like>
I use php to put dinamically the href stuff, so using some RewriteRule on my htaccess and the tittle in the generated html , i can show what ever i whant, when they press the like button
You need to add OpenGraph property "title" inside the "head" tag of your site for that:
You can then use linter to check if what Facebook thinks about your page is okay with you.