Facebook API - How to get link to a comment?

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I am using the Facebook4J API and I want to get the link to a comment.

I get a ResponseList<facebook4j.Post> and check each Post for comments. For every comment I find I want to generate the URL that links to it. For example, you can right-click on the date of any Facebook comment to get the link that I want:

Right clicking on the date of a comment gives you the link

I want to generate this programatically if it is at all possible.

I can get the "id" of a comment which is in the form "USERID_POSTID", and for a Facebook post I can simply substitute the parts into this template http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=USERID&v=wall&story_fbid=POSTID to get the link to the post. However for comments this doesn't work.

Here are some example links:




Any help would be appreciated!


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