fabletools::forecast function fails

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The forecast function of the fabletools package in my R produces an error when running the following code (or in fact running any code):

fcs_1 <-
  train_1 %>%
    ARIMA_212 = ARIMA(value ~ 0 + pdq(2,1,2) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
    ARIMA_211 = ARIMA(value ~ 0 + pdq(2,1,1) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
    ARIMA_112 = ARIMA(value ~ 0 + pdq(1,1,2) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
    ARIMA_210 = ARIMA(value ~ 0 + pdq(2,1,0) + PDQ(0,0,0)),
    ARIMA_012 = ARIMA(value ~ 0 + pdq(0,1,2) + PDQ(0,0,0))
  ) %>%

train_1 is a tsibble of the following format:

    index value
     <mth> <dbl>
1 1950 Jan  5.82
2 1950 Apr  8.30
3 1950 Jul 13.4 
4 1950 Okt 15.7 
5 1951 Jan 15.6 
6 1951 Apr 13.4 

The error is:

Error in `mutate()`:
! Problem while computing `ARIMA_212 = (function (object, ...) ...`.
Caused by error in `validObject()`:
! ungültiges Objekt der Klasse “Period”: periods must have integer values

The full backtrace looks like this:

  1. ├─fcs_1 %>% forecast(test_1)
  2. ├─fabletools::forecast(., test_1)
  3. ├─fabletools:::forecast.mdl_df(., test_1)
  4. │ └─dplyr::mutate_at(...)
  5. │   ├─dplyr::mutate(.tbl, !!!funs)
  6. │   └─dplyr:::mutate.data.frame(.tbl, !!!funs)
  7. │     └─dplyr:::mutate_cols(.data, dplyr_quosures(...), caller_env = caller_env())
  8. │       ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  9. │       └─mask$eval_all_mutate(quo)
 10. ├─fabletools (local) `<fn>`(...)
 11. ├─fabletools:::forecast.lst_mdl(...)
 12. │ └─fabletools:::mapply_maybe_parallel(...)
 13. │   └─base::mapply(FUN = .f, ..., MoreArgs = MoreArgs, SIMPLIFY = SIMPLIFY)
 14. │     ├─fabletools (local) `<fn>`(dots[[1L]][[1L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]], h = NULL, point_forecast = `<named list>`)
 15. │     └─fabletools:::forecast.mdl_ts(...)
 16. │       ├─fabletools::forecast(...)
 17. │       └─fable:::forecast.ARIMA(...)
 18. │         └─vctrs:::`+.vctrs_vctr`(...)
 19. │           ├─vctrs::vec_arith("+", e1, e2)
 20. │           ├─tsibble:::vec_arith.yearmonth("+", e1, e2)
 21. │           └─tsibble:::vec_arith.yearmonth.numeric("+", e1, e2)
 22. │             ├─tsibble:::new_yearmonth(as_date(x) + period(months = y))
 23. │             │ └─vctrs::new_vctr(x, class = "yearmonth")
 24. │             │   └─rlang::is_vector(.data)
 25. │             └─lubridate::period(months = y)
 26. │               └─lubridate:::.period_from_units(list(...))
 27. │                 └─methods::new(...)
 28. │                   ├─methods::initialize(value, ...)
 29. │                   └─lubridate (local) initialize(value, ...)
 30. │                     └─methods::validObject(.Object)
 31. │                       └─base::stop(msg, ": ", errors, domain = NA)
 32. └─base::.handleSimpleError(...)
 33.   └─dplyr (local) h(simpleError(msg, call))
 34.     └─rlang::abort(...)

Newest version of RStudio and all required packages are installed, the same code used to previously work on my machine.

test_1 has exactly the same format as train_1 (was created as an 80/20 slice), up until yesterday forecasting like this worked fine. I have not (consciously) made any changes to my R installation, packages or RStudio.

edit: dput(train_1):

structure(list(index = structure(c(-7305, -7215, -7124, -7032, 
-6940, -6850, -6759, -6667, -6575, -6484, -6393, -6301, -6209, 
-6119, -6028, -5936, -5844, -5754, -5663, -5571, -5479, -5389, 
-5298, -5206, -5114, -5023, -4932, -4840, -4748, -4658, -4567, 
-4475, -4383, -4293, -4202, -4110, -4018, -3928, -3837, -3745, 
-3653, -3562, -3471, -3379, -3287, -3197, -3106, -3014, -2922, 
-2832, -2741, -2649, -2557, -2467, -2376, -2284, -2192, -2101, 
-2010, -1918, -1826, -1736, -1645, -1553, -1461, -1371, -1280, 
-1188, -1096, -1006, -915, -823, -731, -640, -549, -457, -365, 
-275, -184, -92, 0, 90, 181, 273, 365, 455, 546, 638, 730, 821, 
912, 1004, 1096, 1186, 1277, 1369, 1461, 1551, 1642, 1734, 1826, 
1916, 2007, 2099, 2191, 2282, 2373, 2465), class = c("yearmonth", 
"vctrs_vctr")), value = c(5.82371992601844, 8.30302536605984, 
13.4214589164561, 15.7125977565162, 15.6467375609683, 13.4166172427643, 
11.4541306698285, 10.1695120006194, 14.5649845400126, 18.9324892528569, 
21.0311963012277, 20.7291593132272, 18.8215292015661, 16.4935102105858, 
14.814017999784, 13.9694717789116, 9.82170442830894, 6.85813970690365, 
8.70501086394644, 13.0619335668232, 14.2341673784712, 13.554624906916, 
9.23481859610119, 9.48483298576991, 7.88781982671861, 7.91935043659087, 
7.786176025347, 8.42168659318232, 11.6814500569844, 12.4902260823034, 
12.8754637489436, 12.2568216199864, 12.3946650719287, 12.3962513506109, 
11.9768753418986, 9.3432412689745, 7.29034525063435, 5.77751442415736, 
5.24731159347495, 1.13975401292387, -2.3434572782195, -6.18665301156307, 
-6.84818912036291, -4.9876580356317, -3.25211274065144, -4.75318559054628, 
-4.94374771348456, -4.92201462025638, -3.57351803911329, -1.96844815847518, 
-3.16205037807184, -6.48434609123239, -6.96274218928273, -7.37969967012606, 
-8.37636248995215, -9.50779058136715, -9.93511990279183, -10.4514524557227, 
-8.142510526086, -8.12645393226429, -6.39028069127383, -6.59027573877132, 
-8.96558759243726, -7.66526019670935, -5.92710903952333, -2.05072774543544, 
-3.71907613554461, -3.741422612841, -3.10432931924714, -2.25393531307098, 
-0.685497132992526, 3.00665444094586, 4.88417082385038, 4.16502957225296, 
3.76000201169048, 2.79009792483155, 4.79810855545285, 10.7177350806015, 
9.19623695663269, 3.43760454129163, -0.757291304488621, 0.0936896791076991, 
0.324019107470589, -1.30691639896979, -1.68151731567895, 0.301462508682856, 
4.07460747502974, 7.67720152110724, 7.94014431117869, 5.48370526276104, 
3.42686580082702, 4.30370864739371, 4.29048541367606, 4.33856662672821, 
3.80838075344403, 4.97881533902019, 5.37820857511111, 6.81543523832141, 
6.19212607137755, 6.26567099265801, 5.62381720731494, 7.58321556276516, 
7.49130201237245, 8.35730865876876, 5.70461610612163, 4.89985658587265, 
1.97228599326616, -1.47518055997003)), class = c("tbl_ts", "tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -108L), key = structure(list(
    .rows = structure(list(1:108), ptype = integer(0), class = c("vctrs_list_of", 
    "vctrs_vctr", "list"))), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -1L)), index = structure("index", ordered = TRUE), index2 = "index", interval = structure(list(
    year = 0, quarter = 0, month = 3, week = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, 
    minute = 0, second = 0, millisecond = 0, microsecond = 0, 
    nanosecond = 0, unit = 0), .regular = TRUE, class = c("interval", 
"vctrs_rcrd", "vctrs_vctr")))


structure(list(index = structure(c(2557, 2647, 2738, 2830, 2922, 
3012, 3103, 3195, 3287, 3377, 3468, 3560), class = c("yearmonth", 
"vctrs_vctr")), value = c(-1.16296077223469, 0.714453744174292, 
2.97622897489834, 2.18463064503787, 0.462940207095485, -0.587134702282295, 
1.63693772377973, 3.60378919185492, 2.58944214429125, 3.69102058402099, 
5.74637935987533, 6.91046603481904)), class = c("tbl_ts", "tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -12L), key = structure(list(
    .rows = structure(list(1:12), ptype = integer(0), class = c("vctrs_list_of", 
    "vctrs_vctr", "list"))), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -1L)), index = structure("index", ordered = TRUE), index2 = "index", interval = structure(list(
    year = 0, quarter = 0, month = 3, week = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, 
    minute = 0, second = 0, millisecond = 0, microsecond = 0, 
    nanosecond = 0, unit = 0), .regular = TRUE, class = c("interval", 
"vctrs_rcrd", "vctrs_vctr")))

There are 1 answers

KingOfTheMorons On

Fixed it, for whatever reason, the training and testing dataset required to be recast as tsibbles again before modeling (which is strange as they had been tsibbles already).