So. I was following along some tutorials on using WPF with F# blog here. I am working with the second one.
Since I am trying to learn F# WPF for larger more enterprise applications, it doesn't make much sense for me to use a bunch of F# script files. So I tried to convert it a regular .fs file as a type that I could create an instance of in a main method elsewhere.
namespace wpf
module File1 =
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Input
type handleEvent ()=
(* From Chap 1 - HandleAnEvent.cs *)
let WindowOnMouseDown sender (args:MouseButtonEventArgs) =
let win = unbox<Window> sender
let str = String.Format("Window clicked with {0} button at point ({1})",args.ChangedButton,args.GetPosition(win))
let win = new Window()
win.Title <- "Handle an Event"
win.add_MouseDown(new MouseButtonEventHandler(WindowOnMouseDown))
let app = new Application() in
app.Run(win) |> ignore
It looked like a pretty faithful recreation to me. I was able to take care of all that #r stuff by adding assembly references to the project. But now instead of a red error, I am getting a blue warning all over my do block that says:
Attributes have been ignored in this construct
When I googled that warning I came up empty handed so I thought I would get help here. I need that attribute to be able to properly run WPF I know it has something to do with the threads and without it, I will get this serious exception:
The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this
So what is my work around to apply the STA thread attribute to what is needed? Also, why is this construct invalid for STA in F#?
The problem is that
must go on a method - something likeI anticipate that in your case it is not required to go in this file - you should just ensure that the topmost function (
or similar) is marked with STAThread.