I don't see any good documentation about how to execute GraphQL APIs using F# with Http.fs
Kindly share if you have the correct syntax available or point to the correct documentation for the same. I was trying with the Star Wars API given here: https://www.rithmschool.com/blog/an-introduction-to-graphql-queries
URL: https://swapi.graph.cool
Header: 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
JSON Body:
query {
Film (title:"A New Hope" ) {
characters {
Expected Response same as: https://swapi.graph.cool/
I'm not familiar with Http.fs, but here is a small working example of calling the API using the F# Data Http utility:
The main thing is that the body needs to be a JSON value where the actual query is a string stored in a record with a field named "query", i.e.
{"query": "...."}