Extratcing all square submatrices from matrix using Numpy

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Say I have a NxN numpy matrix. I am looking for the fastest way of extracting all square chunks (sub-matrices) from this matrix. Meaning all CxC parts of the original matrix for 0 < C < N+1. The sub-matrices should correspond to contiguous rows/columns indexes of the original matrix. I want to achieve this in as little time as possible.


There are 2 answers

rth On

You could use Numpy slicing,

import numpy as np

n = 20
x = np.random.rand(n, n)

slice_list = [slice(k, l) for k in range(0, n) for l in range(k, n)]

results = [x[sl,sl] for sl in slice_list]

avoiding loops in Numpy, is not a goal by itself. As long as you are being mindful about it, there shouldn't be much overhead.

Quan Gan On

Tricky enough, but here is an example of extracting all MxM submatrices in a NxN matrix.

import numpy as NP
import numpy.random as RNG

P = N - M + 1
x = NP.arange(P).repeat(M)
y = NP.tile(NP.arange(M), P) + x

a = RNG.randn(N, N)
b = a[NP.newaxis].repeat(P, axis=0)
c = b[x, y]
d = c.reshape(P, M, N)
e = d[:, NP.newaxis].repeat(P, axis=1)
f = e[:, x, :, y]
g = f.reshape(P, M, P, M)
h = g.transpose(2, 0, 3, 1)

for i in range(0, P):
    for j in range(0, P):
        assert NP.equal(h[i, j], a[i:i+M, j:j+M]).all()