extracting data from a website (spotify) using javascript

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I'm trying to extract text data from a list on spotify (a list of artists I follow) using javascript console in firefox browser. I'm using this code to extract all the artist names from the elements with class 'title':

  artists = document.getElementsByClassName('title')

Unfortunately, in Firefox I only get 4 random elements that having nothing to do with the artists. However in Chrome it works, I'll get a list with all the artist names as a output. But only after I selected one element using the inspector function first.

Unfortunely Chrome doesn't proper load the spotify webpage so the list is incomplete. How can I make this work using the Firefox javascript console?

Maybe it has something to do with the Spotify webpage is only visible after logging into my account. Thanks in advance.


There are 1 answers


Would something like this work?

var all = document.querySelectorAll('.following .title');
all.forEach(function(item) { console.log(item.innerHTML) })

When I run this in my console I get something like this. You could of course add each text item to a new array and do whatever with it.

Followed artists in Spotify web player console