I am working with a 30m resolution raster representing percentage herbaceous cover. I am trying to determine the number of cells within each 1km grid cell that has a value greater than 10 (representing 10% herbaceous cover). The grid object is a sf data frame where each row represents a 1km x 1km polygon and it has two columns, cellid and geometry.
I have a list of SpatRasters (stack) representing each year that are in the same projection as the sf grid object, and I am trying to run this function within a loop to extract for each gridcell in each year. Ultimately, the output I want is a data frame for each year with a column representing grid cellid and another representing the proportion of all 30m cells within the 1km grid that are greater than 10% herb cover.
This is the loop I currently am working with; however, it is a) seemingly very very slow and b) seems to be breaking when I try to run it for the entire length of the tortgrid_1km_strata object (rather than just 1:100). It throws an error that says "Error in data.frame(layer = i, aggregate(w, list(x), sum, na.rm = FALSE)) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0".
herb_10_LIST <- vector("list",length(stack))
for (i in 1:nlyr(stack)){ ## Just running for first year raster
herb_10 <- c() ## Making an empty vector to store the proportion values with >10% herb cover for each grid cell
for (j in 1:nrow(tortgrid_1km_strata)){
cell <- terra::vect(tortgrid_1km_strata[j,]) # 1 km grid cell
ext <- terra::extract(x = stack[[i]], y = cell, fun=table, weights=TRUE, exact=FALSE) # Extract 30m cells under 1km grid and find vlaues and weights
vals <- colnames(ext) # For some reason the way the table comes out, the raster values are the column names...
## If there are no raster cells under the 1km grid, paste NA
if (length(vals) <=2){ ## The first two columns are not actual raster values!
herb_10[j] <- NA }
## Otherwise,
else {
vals <- as.numeric(vals[3:length(vals)])
perc <- ext[1,] ## The first row of the output table is the cell weights
perc <- perc[,c(3:ncol(perc))] %>% as.numeric()
tab <- as.data.frame(cbind(vals,perc)) # Making into a df of values and weights for each 30 cell
length <- as.numeric(nrow(tab)) # Number of cells under the grid
perc_10 <- filter(tab, vals >= 10) # Filtering for cells > 10% grass cover
## If there is at least one cell with > 10% grass cover
if (nrow(perc_10) >= 1) {
prop_10 <- as.numeric(unname(colSums(perc_10)))
prop_10 <- prop_10[2]/ length } # Finding prop of all cells that had > 10% cover
## Otherwise, assign prop as 0
else { prop_10 <- 0 }
## Put the proportion into the vector
herb_10[j] <- prop_10
} # End of inner loop
herb_10_LIST[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(cellids,herb_10)) ## Binding to cellids (object I created that represents just the gridcell ids
} # End of outer loop
You could probably approach this problem by aggregating the raster. Something along the lines of what I show below.
Example data
If you have to use polygons (it is much better not to)
As you can see, one important simplification is to first compute which cells have values larger than 10. That returns a logical (Boolean) raster with TRUE (1) / FALSE (0) values such that you can take the mean of the cell values to get a proportion.