[I'm detailing the experiment I have for background - I am clear on the method for the lmer
s, just unclear on how to extract some values I need/calculate them by hand, hence I posted this on SO and not CV. I hope this was the correct place to post!]
The data are here.
My experiment has a split-plot design, with levels: Block/Plot/Subplot.
There are 6 blocks. There are 2 plots in each block, and two subplots in each plot. Treatment 1 has two levels (A and B) and is applied at the Plot level: in each block there is one plot receiving Treatment 1 level A and one receiving Treatment 1 level B.
Treatment 2 is applied at the subplot level and also has two levels (C and D): each plot has one subplot receiving Treatment Two level A and one subplot receiving Treatment 2 level B.
The experiment was run for 3 years. I am interested how each combination of the two treatments impacts my dependent variable (DV).
As such I have 4 treatment combinations:
I'm using lmer for my models to account for the split-plot design. I'm running a cross year model but also a model for each year in turn (as replication in the experiment does not permit the testing of a year effect in the cross-year model - the models were ending up overparameterised).
The lmer
s for each year look like this:
m2011<- lmer (DV2011~ TMT1*TMT2 + (1|Block/TMT1))
m2012<- lmer (DV2012~ TMT1*TMT2 + (1|Block/TMT1))
m2013<- lmer (DV2013~ TMT1*TMT2 + (1|Block/TMT1))
For a graphical representation of the change in these treatment means over time, I want to extract the treatment means for each level of each treatment (see the four levels above) for each year, and plot these for each year of the experiment, akin to the example in this post
I am wondering, is it possible to extract the treatment means for the four different treatment combinations (such as those listed above) from an lmer
object? Or would they have to be calculated by hand?
One way I thought to do it would be to actually create another factor which represents the 4 treatment combinations (see column "TMT1x2" in pasted data). Then I could run the following model for each year:
m2011<- lmer (DV2011~ TMT1x2 + (1|Block/TMT1))
and extract the treatment means for each of the 4 levels that way. However I am unsure if this method would suitably control for the split plot design, as this new 4 level factor ignores the nested nature of the levels that make it up (although the random effects do not ignore it)...
Further, if I do need to calculate the treatment means by hand, does anyone know how this could be done accounting for the levels of nesting in my experiment?
I would also like to calculate error bars around each of these treatment means...
If anyone has any insight on any of this it would be much appreciated!
An alternative that uses functions in package
. I call your data setdf