Please help me with extracting Values between brackets and form an output String.
Sample: Aspirin (150mg) + Atorvastatin (10mg) + Clopidogrel (75mg) Capsule
Desired Output : 150mg + 10mg + 75mg
Thank You
Please help me with extracting Values between brackets and form an output String.
Sample: Aspirin (150mg) + Atorvastatin (10mg) + Clopidogrel (75mg) Capsule
Desired Output : 150mg + 10mg + 75mg
Thank You
You can try below formula but it is based on your example. Need to adjust Num_Chars
parameter if data length in parentheses
are different.
=MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1)+1,5) & "+" & MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1,SEARCH("(",A1)+1)+1,4) &"+"&MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1,SEARCH("(",A1,SEARCH("(",A1)+1)+1)+1,4)
You can use below formula if data length is always
4 or 5 character
in parentheses.
=SUBSTITUTE(MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1)+1,5) & "+" & MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1,SEARCH("(",A1)+1)+1,5) &"+"&MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1,SEARCH("(",A1,SEARCH("(",A1)+1)+1)+1,5),")","")
Another option to use TEXTJOIN function, and together with the INDEX+FILTERXML to force the array formula into a shorter and normal formula,
and the FILTERXML function return an array without error/blank cells, so the IFERROR() is not necessary
Then in B2
, formula copied down :
=TEXTJOIN("+",1,INDEX(FILTERXML("<a><b>"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,")",""),"(","<r/>")," ","</b><b>")&"</b></a>","//b[r]"),0))
Here's an alternative if you have access to
formula. You need to enter it usingCtrl+Shift+Enter
(convert it to an array):The result: