Could someone explain how to extract the lyrics from an mp3 file?I tried but I can't get any documents for this purpose.Just like the album art, how can we extract it in to a text file? Is it possible in Java?
Extract lyrics from an MP3
10k views Asked by user1089146 At
There are 2 answers

MP3s do not store 'lyrics' beyond the sound wave of the (instruments and) vocalist.
If you want the lyrics, look to voice recognition. With the way many singers mumble, good luck with that.
Dave Newton points out:
ID3v2 defines lyrics as one of the standard metadata tags; see sections 4.8 and 4.9
So if those are defined, an MP3 tag library can extract them. Failing that, see above.
I doubt any MP3s encoded at home by owners of the music have lyrics attached. MP3s bought recently off iTunes might be a different story.
Take a look at this library:
It should do what you need.