Extjs Buffered store not triggering multiple API/ajax calls

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I have a buffered store that makes an ajax call. I have the API defined to take some start and limit and only return the results between that start and limit. However, I am not seeing multiple API calls being made with different start and limits while scrolling. Instead, I only see one API call made, in this case with start as 0 and limit as 10. What causes the multiple API calls to be triggered with different start and limit in the buffered store?

My buffered store is as below:

Ext.define('myStore', {
extend: 'Ext.data.BufferedStore',

requires: [
    'myStoremodel' // model that the store takes in 

storeId: 'myTeststore',

model: 'myStoremodel',

remoteSort: true,
buffered: true,
leadingBufferZone: 2,
trailingBufferZone: 2,
pageSize: 10,
proxy: {
    type: 'ajax',
    url: "/fetch/getNameList" // the API which returns data to load,
    timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000,
    reader: {
        rootProperty: 'data.name',
        totalProperty: 'data.recordSize'
    simpleSortMode: true

What is the issue here? Any help would be great!

To address one of the comments - the result of ajax call The payload that gets sent is:

_dc: 1647375142598
page: 1
start: 0
limit: 10

The ajax call response:

{success: true, errorCode: 0, errorMsg: null,…}
data: {recordSize: 10, limit: 9,…}
name: [{id: 1234, name: "Jake_Mar142022", appId: 1, isClosed: null,…},…]
0: {id: 1234, name: "TimMar142022", appId: 1, isClosed: null,…}
1: {id: 1252, name: "RatMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
2: {id: 1253, name: "MycahMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
3: {id: 1238, name: "MeganMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
4: {id: 1191, name: "MikeMar092022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
5: {id: 1271, name: "TomMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
6: {id: 1211, name: "RamMar092022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
7: {id: 1212, name: "JustinMar092022", appId: 1, isClosed: null,…}
8: {id: 1213, name: "AnnieMar092022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
9: {id: 1231, name: "AnnMar142022", appId: null, isClosed: null,…}
limit: 9
recordSize: 10
errorCode: 0
errorMsg: null
success: true

There are 1 answers

Dinkheller On BEST ANSWER

your total count on the server is 10 and you are sending 10 items. You have to send the correct recordSize, which you defined as totalProperty