ExpressJS + PassportJS + passport-google-oauth `req.isAuthenticated()` returning false immediately after login

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My PassportJS setup doing something weird, I can see req.user after logged-in in the deserialize function but after all req.isAuthenticated() false and no req.user found. I have already referred a bunch of questions regarding this issue on StackOverflow, almost every question on StackOverflow. Nothing works for me, not sure what is the case here. I'm posing my code, can someone pls tell me what is wrong here and why it's happening. At least a fix! :(

I'm using passport-google-oauth as my strategy. Also, the client is an Angular app.

I also tried with passport-google-oauth20 by accessing directly.

What I found is, in social_logins.google_callback the req.user can be found and also req.isAuthenticated() returns true. After the redirect happens it won't work.

Thanks in advance!

// app.js
const pgSession = require('connect-pg-simple')(session);
app.set('trust proxy', 1);

/** @type {session.CookieOptions} */
const cookieOptions = {
    path: '/',
    secure: false,
    httpOnly: false,
    maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 30 days

    secret: require('./config').session.secret, // session secret
    cookie: cookieOptions,
    proxy: true,
    resave: false,
    saveUninitialized: true,
    store: new pgSession({
        pool: db.pool,
        tableName: 'sess'

// passport.js
passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
    done(null, user);

passport.deserializeUser(async (user, done) => {
    done(null, user);

// passport login.js
app.get('/social-logins/connect/google', passport.authenticate('google-login', {
    successRedirect: '/social-logins/google',
    failureRedirect: '/social-logins/google',
    scope: ['profile', 'email'],
    failureFlash: true,

// routes/index.js
router.get('/social-logins/google', social_logins.google_callback);
// callback funtion
social_logins.google_callback = async (req, res) => {
    try {
        const { user } = req;
        if (!user) return res.redirect('https://localhost:3000/auth/login?message=Login Failed');
        const url = `https://localhost:3000/auth/dashboard`; => {
            return res.redirect(url);
    } catch (error) {

// passport strategy
const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth').OAuth2Strategy;
module.exports = new GoogleStrategy({
    clientSecret: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
    callbackURL: 'https://localhost:3000/social-logins/connect/google',
    passReqToCallback: true
}, async (req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
    try {
        const acc = {}; // find from db and assign db.query('select * from users where id = $1', []);
        return done(false, acc, { message: 'User successfully logged in' });
    } catch (error) {
        return done(error);


There are 1 answers

dinindu_d On BEST ANSWER

I resolved this by setting domain to cookieOptions.