I'm writing an evaluator for a little expression language, but I'm stuck on the LetRec
This is the language:
data Expr = Var Nm | Lam (Nm,Ty) Expr | App Expr Expr
| Val Int | Add Expr Expr | If Expr Expr Expr
| Let Nm Expr Expr
| LetRec [((Nm,Ty),Expr)] Expr
And this the evaluator so far:
type Env = [ (Nm, Value) ]
data Value = Clos Env Expr
| Vint Int
deriving Show
eval :: Env -> Expr -> Value
eval _ (Val n) = Vint n
eval env (Add e1 e2) = Vint (n1 + n2)
Vint n1 = eval env e1
Vint n2 = eval env e2
eval env (If e e1 e0) = if n==0 then eval env e0 else eval env e1
Vint n = eval env e
eval env (Var x) = case lookup x env of
Nothing -> error (x)
Just v -> v
eval env (Lam x e) = Clos env (Lam x e)
eval env (App e1 e2) = case v1 of
Clos env1 (Lam (x,t) e) -> eval ((x,v2):env1) e
v1 = eval env e1
v2 = eval env e2
eval env (Let x e1 e2) = eval env' e2
env' = (x,v) : env
v = eval env e1
eval env (LetRec [((x,t),e)] e1) = eval env' e1
env' = env ++ map (\(v,e) -> (v, eval env' e)) [(x,e)]
This is my test function I want to evaluate:
t1 = LetRec
[ (("not", INT:->INT), Lam ("i",INT) $ If (Var "i")
(Val 0)
(Val 1))
, (("even", INT:->INT), Lam ("i",INT) $ If (Var "i")
(App (Var "not")
(App (Var "odd")
(Var "i" `Add` Val (-1))))
(Val 1))
, (("odd", INT:->INT), Lam ("i",INT) $ If (Var "i")
(App (Var "not")
(App (Var "even")
(Var "i" `Add` Val (-1))))
(Val 0))
(App (Var "odd") (Val 7))
Note that your test program is wrong. You don't want to apply "not". A number
is even ifn-1
IS odd, not if it ISN'T odd. So, it should be:Your
case is almost right. You've just written it to only handle singleton lists for some reason. Also, you want to put theletrec
bindings at the start of the environment bindings list, not the end, otherwise bindings outside theletrec
will take precedence. Try:Here is the complete program. When run, it should print
Vint 1