Expose Blob field in business central via web services

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is it possible to expose a Blob Field via web service ?

I have a custom table in BC 22, one field is a Blob type. I created a page in Visual studio code, that contains all the field i need to expose (also the Blob field). I published the page, and under web service settings, i added the page. Then i try to connect to web service page, i see no reference to the blob field.

This is the table `I have a custom table in BC 22, one field is a Blob type. I created a page in Visual studio code, that contains all the field i need to expose (also the Blob field). I published the page, and under web service settings, i added the page. Then i try to connect to web service page, i see no reference to the blob field.

This is the table

table 50500 "Test Blob"
    DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
    DataPerCompany = false;

        field(1; NomeFileDaSpedire; Text[250])
            Caption = 'NomeFileDaSpedire';
        field(2; "Campo modifica"; Text[250])
            Caption = 'NomeFileDaSpedire';
        field(16; "BlobFile"; Blob)
            Caption = 'BlobFile';
        key(PK; NomeFileDaSpedire)
            Clustered = true;

This is the page

page 50500 "Test Blob PAge"
    ApplicationArea = All;
    Caption = 'Test Blob Page';
    PageType = List;
    SourceTable = "Test Blob";
    UsageCategory = Documents;

                field(BlobFile; Rec.BlobFile)
                    ToolTip = 'Specifies the value of the BlobFile field.';
                field(NomeFileDaSpedire; Rec.NomeFileDaSpedire)
                    ToolTip = 'Specifies the value of the NomeFileDaSpedire field.';
                field("Campo modifica"; Rec."Campo modifica")
                    ToolTip = 'Specifies the value of the NomeFileDaSpedire field.';


When i try to go to webservice page i see :

Web Service Page

No mention to "blobfile" field.

Is it possible to do what i wanted to do ? If yes , what i'm doing wrong ?



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