I am using dotNetRDF for RDF in .NET but as far as I know there is no JSON-LD Serialization for it.
Especially the compacted version of JSON-LD has a big benefit for small overhead and readability in comparison to RDF/XML, TriX, ...
So as there is no direct way to export JSON-LD from dotNetRDF I am thinking of a converter that can convert formats that dotNetRDF understands to JSON-LD. Formats like RDF/XML, RDF/JSON (note: it is not the same as JSON-LD), TriX, N-Quads, ...
Which converter do you recommend? Which supports the compacted version? And it should be able to convert from JSON-LD to other formats as well. Maybe there is a .NET library for that?
My solution using the library json-ld.net for converting dotNetRDF's NQuads output to JSON-LD: