Export (or serialize) object from Java Heap Dump

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I have a heap dump from a (formerly) running Java process. At the time the dump was taken, the process was hung communicating with another server. I would like to be able to reconstruct the exact request that was made by my application.

Although my client communicates with a SOAP web service, the model object happens to be Serializable, so what I would like to do is export the request object (using its Serializable form if possible) and then I can easily re-import that object (just deserialize it) into a test application.

My problem is that I can't find a way to export objects from the heap dump. I am able to locate the object in question using OQL, so I know it's there - I just can't find any tools that offer any way of getting objects out of a heap dump.

Since my class happens to be Serializable I figured that would be easiest. But if I could get it out in any other parsable format, I could programmatically reconstruct the object.



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