Existentials vs Covariance in Scala

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Consider the two codes below. They accomplish the same goal : only such A[T]-s can be stored in the Container where T extends C

However they use two different approaches to achieve this goal :

1) existentials

2) covariance

I prefer the first solution because then A remains simpler. Is there any reason why I ever would want to use the second solution (covariance) ?

My problem with the second solution is that it is not natural in the sense that it should not be A-s responsibility to describe what I can store in a Container and what not, that should be the Container's responsibility. The second solution is also more complicated once I want to start to operate on A and then I have to deal with all the stuff that comes with covariance.

What benefit would I get by using the second (more complicated, less natural) solution ?

object Existentials extends App {

  class A[T](var t:T)

  class C

  class C1 extends C

  class C2 extends C

  class Z

  class Container[T]{
    var t:T = _

  val c=new Container[A[_<:C]]()
  c.t=new A(new C)
  //  c.t=new Z // not compile

  val r: A[_ <: C] = c.t


object Cov extends App{
  class A[+T](val t:T)

  class C

  class C1 extends C

  class C2 extends C

  class Z

  class Container[T]{
    var t:T = _

  val c: Container[A[C]] =new Container[A[C]]()
  c.t=new A(new C)
  //c.t=new A(new Z) // not compile

  val r: A[C] = c.t


EDIT (in response to Alexey's answer):

Commenting on : "My problem with the second solution is that it is not natural in the sense that it should not be A-s responsibility to describe what I can store in a Container and what not, that should be the Container's responsibility."

If I have class A[T](var t:T) that means that I can store only A[T]-s and not ( A[S] where S<:T ) in a container, in any container.

However if I have class A[+T](var t:T) then I can store A[S] where S<:T as well in any container.

So when declaring A either to be invariant or covariant I decide what type of A[S] can be stored in a container (as shown above), this decision takes place at the declaration of A.

However , I think, this decision should take place, instead, at the declaration of the container because it is container specific what will be allowed to go into that container, only A[T]-s or also A[S] where S<:T-s.

In other words, changing the variance in A[T] has effects globally, while changing the type parameter of a container from A[T] to A[_<:S] has a well defined local effect on the container itself. So the principle of "changes should have local effects" here favors the existential solution as well.


There are 1 answers

Alexey Romanov On

In the first case A is simpler, but in the second case its clients are. Since there is normally more than one place where you use A, this is often a worthwhile tradeoff. Your own code demonstrates it: when you need to write A[_ <: C] in the first case (in two places), you can just use A[C] in the second one.

In addition, in the first case you can write just A[C] where A[_ <: C] is really desired. Let's say you have a method

def foo(x: A[C]): C = x.t

Now you can't call foo(y) with y: A[C1] even though it would make sense: y.t does have type C.

When this happens in your code, it can be fixed, but what about third-party?

Of course, this applies to the standard library types as well: if types like Maybe and List weren't covariant, either signatures for all methods taking/returning them would have to be more complex or many programs which are currently valid and make perfect sense would break.

it should not be A-s responsibility to describe what I can store in a Container and what not, that should be the Container's responsibility.

Variance isn't about what you can store in a container; it is about when A[B] is a subtype of A[C]. This argument is a bit like saying that you shouldn't have extends at all: otherwise class Apple extends Fruit allows you to store an Apple in Container[Fruit], and deciding that is Container's responsibility.