I have a PythonOperator in Airflow that gets executed using Cloud Composer:
with DAG(
dag_id = config['dag_id'],
schedule_interval = config['schedule_interval'],
default_args = default_args
) as dag:
generate_data_task = PythonOperator(
task_id = 'generate_dummy_data',
python_callable = generate_data,
dag = dag
The generate_data() function writes a randomly generated uniquely named CSV file in a bucket with some data in it. Executed as is works great, but I want to execute the same task multiple times in parallel. If I were to specify to execute it 10 times in parallel I would expect to have 10 files written in the bucket. I have tried with concurrency and task_concurrency, but I get the same result.
Is this achievable using Airflow on top of Cloud Composer?
Using dynamic task mapping: