I'm trying to execute a query that will get me a value from my postgre database using c# with the npgsql plugin. I got the query from here.
This is the query
string query = String.Format(@"SELECT a.attrelid::regclass::text, a.attname
, CASE a.atttypid
WHEN 'int'::regtype THEN 'serial'
WHEN 'int8'::regtype THEN 'bigserial'
WHEN 'int2'::regtype THEN 'smallserial'
END AS serial_type
FROM pg_attribute a
JOIN pg_constraint c ON c.conrelid = a.attrelid
AND c.conkey[1] = a.attnum
JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON ad.adrelid = a.attrelid
AND ad.adnum = a.attnum
WHERE a.attrelid = '""public.{0}""'::regclass
AND a.attnum > 0
AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND a.atttypid = ANY('{int,int8,int2}'::regtype[])
AND array_length(c.conkey, 1) = 1
AND ad.adsrc = 'nextval('''
|| (pg_get_serial_sequence (a.attrelid::regclass::text, a.attname))::regclass
|| '''::regclass)'; ", record);
It's giving me a
Input string was not in a correct format.
When it goes through that variable. I only have 1 variable and that's the {0}, but I don't know why it's yelling at me with that.
Btw, the double quotes(") are needed because it is created using entity framework and that's just how it works when you execute the query on pgAdminIII. All the tables needs to be inside them.