I have a chunk oriented processor in the form "reader / processor / writer" called Job1. I have to execute database EJB operations after this job ends, if possible, in the same transaction. I have others jobs (implemented by Tasklets) that I could do this in a simply manner. I this jobs I simply call this operations in tasklet, before finish exeute method. But in this case I don't know the right way to do. In a first try I implemented it by a step listener (outside transaction). But I cannot, because there are uma architecture rule in my company to don't call database operations in listeners. I could execute it after this step in another step in a tasklet and I will come this way if I don't find a better one, but moreover if it's possible I like to execute this operations in the same transaction of Job1.
Execute database operations inside a chunck orientad step
187 views Asked by alexpfx At
A couple notes:
That being said, from what it sounds like, the best option would be to put your call in another step after the chunk based one.