resource "azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled" "alert_rule_scheduled_templated" {
depends_on = [time_sleep.sleep_60_sec]
for_each = toset(var.templated_alert_rule_templates)
log_analytics_workspace_id =
name = each.key
display_name = each.key
severity = data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template.alert_rule_templates[each.key].scheduled_template.0.severity
query = data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template.alert_rule_templates[each.key].scheduled_template.0.query
query_frequency = data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template.alert_rule_templates[each.key].scheduled_template.0.query_frequency
query_period = data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template.alert_rule_templates[each.key].scheduled_template.0.query_period
tactics = data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template.alert_rule_templates[each.key].scheduled_template.0.tactics
trigger_operator = data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template.alert_rule_templates[each.key].scheduled_template.0.trigger_operator
trigger_threshold = data.azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_template.alert_rule_templates[each.key].scheduled_template.0.trigger_threshold
Those properties exists in all templates. I want to add custom properties that are not from templates. I have a variable that I want to use to do something similar to this:
if each.key in loc.alert_names: loc.rule_map[each.key]
I am thinking of alert names that look like this:
rule_map = {
"rule_1" = {
entity_type = "Host"
field_mappings = [
identifier = "HostName"
column_name = "Computer"
identifier = "NTDomain"
column_name = "DomainName"
"rule_2" = {
entity_type = "AnotherEntityType"
field_mappings = [
# Another set of field mappings
I tried to find a way to add properties in custom way in hcl. I am new to this and I am trying to find some way to use pythonlike if statements or some workaround.
If I understand correctly you want to supply flexible values to the 'severity', 'query' etc values.
One way to do it would be to create a module of the 'azurerm_sentinel_alert_rule_scheduled' resource and pass it different templates.
That way you can loop over the templates and keep the logic for reading out the variables inside the module. Here an example with null resources just to show the structure.
The logic for setting custom values in the templates then has to happen inside the "locals" block. The 'mock_data_value2' would for your code then be filled with values from data resources.
Another way would be to use the 'count' argument and determine if you want to call the module based on an input variable (see example 5a+b)
(In order to experiment with this example change the trigger value so that it recreates the null resource module)
folder tree:
TF code, module:
TF code, in root, calling the module:
looped OUT
module.example3["template2"].null_resource.implemtation (local-exec): temp2-1, temp2-2, temp2-3 module.example3["template"].null_resource.implemtation (local-exec): value1, value2, value3
single example OUT
module.example4.null_resource.implemtation (local-exec): temp2-1, temp2-2, temp2-3