I have a subscribe function in angular 10. I am getting the console 'geom' before executing the subscribe. Please describe how to execute the next section ie, calling to zoomToGeometry() only after executing the subscribe?
hitself.gisService.getidDetails(hitself.id).subscribe((posts) => {
console.warn(`gisService executed - ${hitself.id}`);
const get_wkid = posts[0]['spatialReference'];
hitself.wkid = get_wkid['wkid'];
const dynamicrings = posts[0]['features'];
hitself.dynamicRings = dynamicrings[0]['geometry']['rings'];
const geom = new hitself.esriModules.geometry.Polygon({
spatialReference: {
wkid: hitself.wkid,
rings: hitself.dynamicRings,
console.warn(`geom ${hitself.dynamicRings}`);