Executable made with pyInstaller / UPX in virtual environment throws an error
DLL load failed: The parameter is incorrect. while parameter is correct...
I've made python Executable withoutpyInstaller UPX
Its about 250MB
& Its working Fine.
To reduce size I've created another python Executable (Contains Same Code) Using pyInstaller UPX and its gives me an error refer Error_img.
Code Contains libraries like Pandas,Numpy,Openpyxl
The error is showing at line 8 where I've defined Pandas library
I came up with the solution and It's working perfectly Fine... Need to add Pandas and Numpy Manually using pyinstaller --add-data option
pyinstaller --add-data C:\ve\mypython\Lib\site-packages\pandas;pandas --add-data C:\ve\mypython\Lib\site-packages\numpy;numpy --icon=icon_file.ico --version-file version.txt --noconsole --upx-dir=C:\upx --upx-exclude vcruntime140.dll --upx-exclude ucrtbase.dll --onefile Foo.py
After creating Executable the size of an EXE is 170MB.