I am having the following problem to get the unread emails. When the subject is "REALIZADAS" it works fine and brings me the emails quickly, but when the subject is "G.09.xlsx" it takes a long time and fails to deliver this error
'An existing connection was forced to break by the remote host', None, 10054, None) ", ConnectionResetError (10054, 'An existing connection was forced to break by the remote host'
This is the untranslated error
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Rocketbot\Desktop\Rocketbot\\modules\libs\exchangelib\services.py", line 89, in _get_elements
response = self._get_response_xml(payload=payload)
File "C:\Users\Rocketbot\Desktop\Rocketbot\\modules\libs\exchangelib\services.py", line 162, in _get_response_xml
File "C:\Users\Rocketbot\Desktop\Rocketbot\\modules\libs\exchangelib\util.py", line 677, in post_ratelimited
_raise_response_errors(r, protocol, log_msg, log_vals) # Always raises an exception
File "C:\Users\Rocketbot\Desktop\Rocketbot\\modules\libs\exchangelib\util.py", line 749, in _raise_response_errors
raise response.headers['TimeoutException']
File "C:\Users\Rocketbot\Desktop\Rocketbot\\modules\libs\exchangelib\util.py", line 631, in post_ratelimited
File "site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 578, in post
File "site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 530, in request
File "site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 683, in send
File "site-packages\requests\models.py", line 829, in content
File "site-packages\requests\models.py", line 754, in generate
requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError: ("Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(10054, 'Se ha forzado la interrupción de una conexión existente por el host remoto', None, 10054, None)", ConnectionResetError(10054, 'Se ha forzado la interrupción de una conexión existente por el host remoto', None, 10054, None))
This is the code
id_ = []
mails_filters = a.inbox.filter(subject=filter_)
for m in mails_filters:
if not m.is_read:
I tried with
.filter (subject__contains = filter_)
.filter (Q ("subject:" + filter_))
and it only worked for me when the filter was .filter (subject__contains = "09")
, if I use "G" or "xlsx" it doesn't work.
I do not know what it could be. Maybe it's the time it takes to search? Can I modify that time so that it waits longer without getting the error?