Exchange Server 2007 Transport Agent Issue

579 views Asked by At

This is the first time i am working on Exchange Server Development. Below is a simple Transport Agent that i am using, this agent should simply update the email Subjects as shown below in the code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport;
using Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp;

namespace MyAgents
    public sealed class MyAgentFactory : SmtpReceiveAgentFactory
        public override SmtpReceiveAgent CreateAgent(SmtpServer server)
            return new MyAgent();
    public class MyAgent : SmtpReceiveAgent
        public MyAgent()
            this.OnEndOfData += new EndOfDataEventHandler(MyEndOfDataHandler);
        private void MyEndOfDataHandler(ReceiveMessageEventSource source, EndOfDataEventArgs e)
            e.MailItem.Message.Subject = "This message passed through my agent: " + e.MailItem.Message.Subject;

Below is the Powershell script i am using to install the Agent.

Net Stop MSExchangeTransport
Install-TransportAgent -Name MyAgent -AssemblyPath EmailLogger.dll -TransportAgentFactory MyAgents.MyAgentFactory
Enable-TransportAgent -Identity MyAgent
Net Start MSExchangeTransport

Agent installed successfully using Exchange Management Shell.

Now when i send/receive emails in exchange, Email subjects are not modified. Emails have their original subjects. I don't know why?

I also performed the steps mentioned in below links to debug the Agent but breakpoints are not being hit by Visual Studio Debugger.

Debugging MS Exchange 2007 Transport Agent

My System Configuration

I am using the Exchange Server 2007 Virtual Machine provided by Microsoft from link below

I also installed the Visual Studio 2008 on the VM for debugging.

Please help me in resolving the issue?


There are 1 answers


Problem Solved. :)

I must use Routing Agent instead of SmtpReceive Agent because only Routing Agents are guaranteed to see all the Emails passing through Exchange Server.

Below is the modified working code, Everything else remains same

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport;
using Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Routing;

namespace MyAgents
    public sealed class MyAgentFactory : RoutingAgentFactory
        public override RoutingAgent CreateAgent(SmtpServer server)
            return new MyAgent();
    public class MyAgent : RoutingAgent
        public MyAgent()
            this.OnSubmittedMessage += new SubmittedMessageEventHandler(this.MySubmittedMessageHandler);            

        public void MySubmittedMessageHandler(SubmittedMessageEventSource source, QueuedMessageEventArgs e)
            e.MailItem.Message.Subject = "This message passed through my agent: " + e.MailItem.Message.Subject;