I am trying to convert an Excel document into PDF in a ASP.Net Web application using Pdftron (Pdfnet) library. Following is my code for the above purpose.
pdf.PDF.PDFDoc newSalaryFitmentPdf = new pdf.PDF.PDFDoc();
pdftron.PDF.Convert.ToPdf(newSalaryFitmentPdf, newSalaryFitmentExcel.FullName);
salaryFitment = newSalaryFitmentPdf.Save(pdf.SDF.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
But I am getting the following exception when the program is trying to execute the second line.
Message: An error occurred while converting the file.
Detailed error:
Error creating a new Excel application instance.
Code: PDFTRON_UNKNOWN (-2147024891)
File: "Excel.cpp":51
Start check system account.
Session ID is: 0.
Failed to create Desktop folder in SystemProfile. boost::filesystem::create_directory: Access is denied: "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop"
Failed to create Desktop folder in SystemProfile. boost::filesystem::create_directory: Access is denied: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop"
Done checking system account.
Creating an Excel application instance.
Conditional expression: false
Version :
Filename : Convert.cpp
Function : trn::PDF::Convert::ToPdf
Linenumber : 1692
Any help would be highly appreciated.
You must set your application to have read/write access to these directories. Please see this article for further information.