I need some help with an excel problem.
It is a combination of the two problems below:
1) Excel - Popup message with sound alert when cell value meets certain criteria
2) VBA code to show Message Box popup if the formula in the target cell exceeds a certain value
In Sheet1, I have a range of products and sales figure. Example: Sheet1
In Sheet2, I have multiple columns of sumif() functions. Example: Sheet2. It contains a column of names in (A:A) and data in (B:B) & (C:C) which are linked to cells in other sheets. I would like a pop up notification saying ("Text in column A" sold is > 20) when the value of any cell in column B exceeds 20 or column C exceeds 40.
For example: If one of the cell value in column "B" gets updated to 33 (which is >20) and the corresponding cell value in column "A" contains text as "Charlie", excel sheet should popup message saying "Charlie sold is > 20".
The below VBA code accomplishes this IF it was raw data. However, it does not work when the cells are linked to data from other sheets, as in the case of this workbook.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.column = 2 and target.value > 1 Then
MsgBox target.offset(0,-1).text & " sold is > 20"
End If
End Sub
This alternative code works with data linked from other sheets, however it only applies to a specific cell, not an entire column.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B2").Value > 20 Then
MsgBox "B2 is >20", vbOKOnly
End If
End Sub
What I'm trying to achieve is this: As I input my raw data in Sheet1, the figures in Sheet2 column(B:B) and column(C:C) get updated. Once any of the cells in Sheet2 column(B:B) exceed 20 or column(C:C) exceed 40, there will be a popup notification that links back to column A text such as MsgBox target.offset(0,-1).text & " sold is > 20"
. Is there a way to combine the above two codes to achieve this?
Any alternative solutions are welcome too, thank you!
Compare all the Sums in Summary table