Basically I have defined
mydata = {$E$2:$H$6,$J$2:$M$6,$O$2:$S$6,$V$2:$Y$6,$AA$2:$AE$6,$AG$2:$AJ$6,$AM$2:$AP$6, $AR$2:$AV$6,$AX$2:$BA$6,$BD$2:$BG$6,$BI$2:$BM$6,$BO$2:$BR$6}
this array of ranges.
Is there a way to offset(mydata,x,y) ?
Context: The reason why I ask is that I have to define protected ranged in the review -> allow users to edit ranges section. And for some files they are even 80 ranges to define. So I thought I would just define the 1st manually and then just offset the rest 50 – 80 ranges.
But offset doesn't support non - adjacent cells so is there a workaround this limitation? :/
Instead of
, you can define your range as aUnion Range
(akaMulti-Area Range
) so you can easily offset it.Output: