eWay Client Side Encryption

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Is this possible?

I have a ecommerce website that has a eWay Payment Gateway, so I wanted to get the encrypted card details with the use of the client side encryption key that can be seen in the code $(".form").attr("data-eway-encrypt-key", "The encryption key is placed here"); I wonder if this is possible because I want to pass the encrypted data to another form here is the link of encrytion js https://secure.ewaypayments.com/scripts/eCrypt.js


There are 1 answers

Cueball 6118 On

I have done a similar thing, not exactly sure where you need help from your question but this is my code. I use "RealCardNumber" as a text field and "CardNumber" as a hidden field that gets populated with the encrypted data and sent to the server (same for card code).

       .done(function (script, textStatus) {
           if (eCrypt !== undefined) {
               $('#card-details').show(); // Form details initially hidden
               $('#card-loading').hide(); // Placeholder div shown while loading the eWay script (which should happen pretty quick)
               // Setup the hooks to encrypt the card number once it is submitted
               $(".payment-info-next-step-button")[0].onclick = null; // This is the payment button in my scenario
               $(".payment-info-next-step-button").click(function () {
                   var eWayKey = "<Key goes here>"; // Get from Settings ....
                   try {
                       $('#CardNumber').val(eCrypt.encryptValue($('#RealCardNumber').val(), eWayKey));
                       $('#CardCode').val(eCrypt.encryptValue($('#RealCardCode').val(), eWayKey));
                       // Ready to go .... hook in your normal submit here
                   } catch (e) {
                       alert('Sorry there was a problem with submitting the card details securely');
           } else {
               alert('eWay not available - please select a different payment method if available');
       .fail(function (jqxhr, settings, exception) {
           alert('eWay not available - please select a different payment method if available');