I want to make an event reciever DLL for both SP2010 and SP2013. currently I have two separate projects one for each as each one is targeting different framework due to the fact that each of them is built using different .NET framework. can I use one project/solution to produce these two different DLLs?
Event Receiver for both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013
255 views Asked by Mahmoud Fayez At
There are 2 answers
Because of the fact that a) you have to have the target SharePoint version installed on your dev and build machines, and b) it's impossible to install two SharePoint versions on the same machine, then no, you cannot build two DLLs targeting SharePoint 2010 and 2013 at once. Keep going with two separate solutions, just share the source code and if necessary, use conditional compilation to reflect changes between SP2010's and 2013's APIs.
Use conditional compilation in visual studio to switch between dlls of target framework.
Refer below links for help:
Conditional Compilation and Framework Targets
Conditionally changing target framework version
visual studio 2010 compiler conditions based on target framework