I am trying to write a function which would take as argument a function call, evaluates numeric args of this function call and then return corresponding character vector. This is what I have came up with:
ConvertToCharacter <- function(function.call) {
call.str <- deparse(substitute(function.call))
> a <- 1
> ConvertToCharacter(sum(2, a))
"sum(2, a)"
> ConvertToCharacter(ddply(mtcars, .(vs), summarize, col=mean(cyl)))
"ddply(mtcars, .(vs), summarize, col = mean(cyl))"
Now, I want the numeric args to be evaluated before getting converted into a character vector. So that ConvertToCharacter(sum(2, a)) would return "sum(2, 1)" instead. I tried passing env=parent.frame() to subsitute but it won't work. Any idea how I could go with this?
You need to recursively inspect your call, evaluate the symbols, and sub in the values for the numeric ones like so:
And this is what you get:
Also, credit to Robert for the workaround the apply/Recall issue.