EUnit fails to test private functions

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I'm writing EUnit tests for Erlang code.

I have a source module:


probability([], _Item) -> false;
probability([{First,Probability}|Rest], Item) ->
        First == Item -> Probability;
        true          -> probability(Rest, Item)

and a unit-test module:



probability_test() -> ?assertNot(prob_list:probability([],3)),

When I run eunit:test(prob_list,[verbose]) it says:

 prob_list_tests: probability_test...*failed*

but when I export probability/2 in my prob_list module, everything is ok.

Is there any way to test private functions?


There are 3 answers


Ok, so here it goes:

dclements gave me a nice hint of how can I accomplish what I've asked. I don't want to put all my tests in source module, you can see a nice example of keeping the apart here: Erlang EUnit – introduction

Now my solution is to export all functions on TEST compilation. So you put:

-define(NOTEST, true).


And then compile with erlc -DTEST *.erl to run tests, and ordinary compile to export only needed functions.

David H. Clements On

The general approach that I use for this is to include all of the unit tests in the same file and the separate them out:


%% Functions

%% Unit tests go here.

This should allow you to test your private functions alongside your public functions.

Phil Calvin On

You can use the directive -compile(export_all) to conditionally export all functions only when compiling for testing:

%% Export all functions for unit tests