In the following link, there is online demo case showing how to user esri-leaflet-geosearch plugin,
var searchControl = new L.esri.Controls.Geosearch().addTo(map);
var results = new L.LayerGroup().addTo(map);
searchControl.on('results', function(data){
for (var i = data.results.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
This online demo works well to support the geosearch function.
And in my React app, I plan to add such as search box for leaflet as well. But can't figure out how to do this.
As esri-leaflet-geosearch
depends on esri-leaflet
, so installed both npm packages, but can't find next step. so any help?
You can achieve that using react-leaflet.
First install leaflet, react-leaflet & esri-leaflet-geocoder libraries.
After that import them in index.js
Then in your comp: