Esri-leaflet-geocoder: Component not rendering; How to connect providers in Production

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I am using the great esri-leaflet-geocoder plugin and can't get it to render in production.

I registered for a provider (ArcGIS Online Geocoding Service) and got a api key, and followed the documentation on the github page to add the api key:

var searchControl = L.esri.Geocoding.geosearch({
  providers: [
      // API Key to be passed to the ArcGIS Online Geocoding Service
      useMapBounds: false,
      apikey: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY

I was getting the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'Geocoding' of undefined

So with that I went to the official documentation page of esri-leaflet-geocoder here and tried what was listed there. Turns out it seems more up to date.

var provider = ELG.arcgisOnlineProvider({ token: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY });

var searchControl = new ELG.Geosearch({
  useMapBounds: false,
  providers: [provider]

console.log('ELG.arcgisOnlineProvider() ', provider);

console.log('searchControl', searchControl);

It didn't work but the consoles seems to show that they indeed take the props listed in the documentation:

NewClass {_requestQueue: Array(0), _authenticating: false, options: {…}, _initHooksCalled: true, _eventParents: {…}}
supportsSuggest: true
token: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY // In the log it's a string
url: ""
__proto__: Object
_authenticating: false
_eventParents: {1: NewClass}
_initHooksCalled: true
_requestQueue: []
__proto__: NewClass

NewClass {options: {…}, _geosearchCore: NewClass, _leaflet_id: 1, _initHooksCalled: true}
providers: Array(1)
0: NewClass
options: {token: process.env.ESRI_API_KEY // Again it is logging a string
url: "", supportsSuggest: true}
_authenticating: false
_eventParents: {1: NewClass}
_initHooksCalled: true
_requestQueue: []
__proto__: NewClass
length: 1
__proto__: Array(0)
useMapBounds: false
__proto__: Object

So how can I get the 'searchControl' to work/render in Production?


There are 1 answers

Seth Lutske On

This is working for me:

import * as ELG from "esri-leaflet-geocoder";

var searchControl = ELG.geosearch({
  useMapBounds: false,
  providers: [
      apikey: "your key here"


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