I try to add a contact with an Android contact picker by Espresso, but this does not work.
This is the command to invoke the contact picker:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(intent, RC_PICK_CONTACT);
The contact picker is shown, when I run Espresso test. OK, now I try to select a specific contact entry by display name (e.g. "Jake"). Unfortunately I don't know how to accomplish this. I've tried the following:
I also tried this variation:
No success with both approaches. As already mentioned the contact picker is shown, but nothing is selected.
Any idea?
What you're experiencing is normal behavior, since the contact picker belongs to an external activity, whose user interface cannot be manipulated. Trying to assert anything will result in the tests stalling for some time and ending up with a
However, say hello to the new born Espresso-Intents, which is here to save my reputation:
UPDATE Below is my current solution which works fine but would need some decent code clean up:
In the launching activity, I would handle the incoming intent with the contact Uri and do whatever is necessary with it.
Also, the helper methods, to be modified accordingly: