ESP32-C3 GPIO glitch filter error 'gpio_new_pin_glitch_filter' was not declared in this scope (Arduino)

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I'm trying to build a small device using the ESP32-C3 running Arduino core.

From the documentation it appears the ESP32's have built-in hardware 'glitch filters' which I understand to filter out bounce usually associated with things like physical switches and handled via 'debounce' code. I can see this would be particularly useful when using that input as an interrupt or wakeup source as a software filter wouldn't be effective in that scenario.

When trying to use this and built my project:


I get the error:

'gpio_new_pin_glitch_filter' was not declared in this scope

It looks like this type of functionality is available on most ESP32 devices. All I can think is that Arduino platform for ESP32 does not include handlers for this functionality. If that's the case is there a way I can still leverage this feature in my Arduino project?


There are 1 answers

romkey On

The function gpio_new_pin_glitch_filter() appears to have been added to ESP-IDF version 5.1. At the time this question was asked the current version of the Arduino framework was v2.0.14 which is based on ESP-IDF v4.4.6. This function wasn't available in that version of ESP-IDF and therefore won't be available to Arduino programs using this version of the framework.

If you want to call gpio_new_pin_glitch_filter() from your Arduino program, you'll need to use a version of the Arduino framework that's built on a version of ESP-IDF that includes the function. That doesn't exist yet. Your options would be to back port gpio_new_pin_glitch_filter() to ESP-IDF v4.4.6 or to rewrite your application to directly run on ESP-IDF 5.1 rather than the Arduino framework.