Errors when using rocketter to deploy to recently upgraded Ubuntu 16.04 box

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I've recently updated my Ubuntu server from 14.04 to 16.04, but now I'm getting the error show below when I try & deploy using rocketeer, however it seems that the deployment continues and completed successfully despite these errors.

PHP Warning:  unpack(): Type N: not enough input, need 4, have 1 in phar:///Users/toby/src/ on line 2826
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /Users/toby/src/
PHP   2. require() /Users/toby/src/
PHP   3. Rocketeer\Facades\Console::run() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP   4. Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::__callStatic($method = *uninitialized*, $args = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP   5. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run($input = *uninitialized*, $output = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP   6. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun($input = *uninitialized*, $output = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP   7. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand($command = *uninitialized*, $input = *uninitialized*, $output = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP   8. Illuminate\Console\Command->run($input = *uninitialized*, $output = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP   9. Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run($input = *uninitialized*, $output = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  10. Illuminate\Console\Command->execute($input = *uninitialized*, $output = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  11. Rocketeer\Console\Commands\DeployCommand->fire() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  12. Rocketeer\Abstracts\AbstractCommand->fireTasksQueue($tasks = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  13. Rocketeer\Abstracts\AbstractCommand->time($callback = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  14. Rocketeer\Abstracts\AbstractCommand->Rocketeer\Abstracts\{closure}() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  15. Rocketeer\Services\Tasks\TasksQueue->run($tasks = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  16. Rocketeer\Services\Tasks\TasksQueue->runSynchronously($pipeline = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  17. Rocketeer\Services\Tasks\TasksQueue->Rocketeer\Services\Tasks\{closure}() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  18. Rocketeer\Services\Tasks\TasksQueue->executeJob($job = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  19. Rocketeer\Abstracts\AbstractTask->fire() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  20. Rocketeer\Services\Display\QueueTimer->time($task = *uninitialized*, $callback = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  21. Rocketeer\Abstracts\AbstractTask->Rocketeer\Abstracts\{closure}() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  22. Rocketeer\Tasks\Deploy->execute() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  23. Rocketeer\Bash->isSetup() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  24. Rocketeer\Bash->fileExists($file = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  25. Rocketeer\Bash->checkStatement($condition = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  26. Rocketeer\Bash->runRaw($commands = *uninitialized*, $array = *uninitialized*, $trim = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  27. Rocketeer\Services\Connections\RemoteHandler->run(*uninitialized*, *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  28. Rocketeer\Services\Connections\RemoteHandler->__call($method = *uninitialized*, $parameters = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  29. call_user_func_array:{phar:///Users/toby/src/}(*uninitialized*, *uninitialized*) phar:///Users
PHP  30. Illuminate\Remote\Connection->run($commands = *uninitialized*, $callback = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  31. Illuminate\Remote\Connection->getGateway() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  32. Illuminate\Remote\SecLibGateway->connect($username = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  33. Net_SFTP->login($username = *uninitialized*, *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  34. Net_SSH2->_get_channel_packet($client_channel = *uninitialized*, $skip_extended = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  35. Net_SSH2->_get_binary_packet() phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  36. Net_SSH2->_filter($payload = *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/
PHP  37. unpack(*uninitialized*, *uninitialized*) phar:///Users/toby/src/

I've tried debugging, but it looks like the phpseclib packages does a load of binary string extraction form the SSH2 connections, and I have no idea where to start with debugging this.

Could it be to do with an updated version of openssl?

Here's the list of packages & versions it's using…

anahkiasen/rocketeer      2.2.3   Rocketeer is a fast and simple deployer for the PHP world
d11wtq/boris              v1.0.10 A tiny, but robust REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) for PHP.
illuminate/config         v4.2.17
illuminate/console        v4.2.17
illuminate/container      v4.2.17
illuminate/events         v4.2.17
illuminate/filesystem     v4.2.17
illuminate/log            v4.2.17
illuminate/remote         v4.2.16
illuminate/support        v4.2.17
kzykhys/parallel          v0.1.0  Simple multitasking library
monolog/monolog           1.20.0  Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and vario...
nesbot/carbon             1.21.0  A simple API extension for DateTime.
patchwork/utf8            v1.3.1  Portable and performant UTF-8, Unicode and Grapheme Clusters fo...
phpseclib/phpseclib       0.3.10  PHP Secure Communications Library - Pure-PHP implementations of...
psr/log                   1.0.0   Common interface for logging libraries
symfony/console           v2.5.12 Symfony Console Component
symfony/finder            v2.5.12 Symfony Finder Component
symfony/polyfill-mbstring v1.2.0  Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
symfony/translation       v3.1.2  Symfony Translation Component

I'm happy to do more debugging if someone can please suggest how.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


There are 1 answers

TobyG On

For anyone coming across this ticket, I didn't manage to resolve the error messages, but as originally mentioned, the deployment completed fine, so for now I've not done any more investigative work.