I have a problem. I am writing on my masterthesis and for my research question I have to use R-INLA. I tried to install the INLA-Package several times but there is an Error and it doesn't work.
https://www.r-inla.org/download-install When I try to install INLA like it is shown in the link, it doesn't work. I get some warnings, e.g.
"dependencies 'graph', 'Rgraphviz' are not available" or, second example: "Warning (...) file link "CRS"/"CRSargs" in packags "sp"/"rgdal" does not exist"
How can I deal with that? What can I do to solve this problems? I have no other choice, my professor wants me to use R-INLA for my thesis. I hope someone can help me, I am very desperate, tried so much but the problem still exists. Thank You!